Medical Update

In a couple of days Cathy will complete her radiation treatments. She will also finish her first round of chemotherapy. She is looking forward to having a month’s break from the radiation-chemo activity to give her body a chance to rest and recover. The radiation has caused her surgical wound to deteriorate in a couple of spots, so she made need some wound revision work. We will know more about that situation later this week.

Life Update

Cathy has begun wearing a surgical cap as part of her fashion statement. She has selected an assortment of colorful caps that make dealing with declining hair and wound maintenance much easier. I think she looks fantastic. This week we were visited by Isabella and Doug from Pittsburg. It’s been a while and we had a heart-felt visit. We are in the final stages of preparing for our June trip to Serabu. Six young adults from Texas, Kansas and Pennsylvania are joining us. They have met each other via a zoom call, and we are very excited about the mission adventures awaiting them in Serabu. Please include Anna, Celeste, Leah, Lizzie, Siddhant and Will in your prayers.