Medical Update

Chemo-cycle #3 included three days of serious yuck, such that Cathy stayed home from work on Thursday and Friday. Each chemo-cycle begins with five days of dosing, followed by 23 days of recovery and monitoring of her critical health indicators. Sometimes it is hard to tell if Cathy’s storm is brewing or dissipating. Since she anticipates this pattern of care for the next few months, your continued prayers are deeply appreciated.  

Life Update

It has been a bittersweet week. Despite Thursday and Friday, Cathy increased her weekly surgical volume and her “surgical presence”, an intangible that is difficult to describe, has returned. But the highlight of this week was a spirit-filled hour Wednesday evening at the home of our good friends, Brian and Ruth Houser. While Ruth was playing her fabulous piano, together they sang beautiful spiritual love songs. The best way to share this experience is (your homework) for you to listen to a music video of Andrew Peterson or Chris Tomlin singing “Is He Worthy?” and then imagine our encounter with these two servants of Christ. Magnifico!!!