On this third Sunday of Advent, as we anticipate the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray in joy-filled thanksgiving for the blessings of our lives. Cathy’s health seems stable for now. She continues with her chemo meds everyday as we prepare for Christmas, followed by our January mission trip to Serabu.

Mom used to say “no news is good news” during our times our separation. So shall it be for a while. This is Cathy’s last update until we return from Serabu in early February 2024. Thank you so much for your prayers and your messages of love, encouragement, and support. Especially during this Hoy Season of Christmas, you remain firmly in our hearts and prayers.

So, we wish you good cheer, family unity, community goodwill and world peace as together we shout to the Heavens: “How ‘bout them Cowboys!!!”