Medical Update

There has been a significant shift in Cathy’s chemotherapy protocol. Her doctors have reduced her daily dose by 75% and increased the number of days in a month that she takes this new chemo-pill. They hope this will eliminate the extreme fatigue she was experiencing at the much higher levels. She was expected to begin this new regiment this week, but she must wait until her platelet count increases. This is one of the balancing acts of chemotherapy.

Life Update

This week we enjoyed a short but sweet visit from Fr. Anthony David Baetzold, a dear friend and gifted priest. He offered Mass in our home and anointed Cathy with special healing prayers. It is humbling to consider the thousands of people around the world that are praying for Cathy. How amazing it is that so many lives are being touched by divine love through this disease. Thank you, God, for all our blessings. Amen  

That Caring Smile!!!