Medical Update

All of Cathy’s clinical lab test scores were acceptable. But this was a week of frequent nausea and headaches. Is it glio? Is it chemo? She handles it all with such courage and faith. Her next MRI is scheduled for early December at the Duke Brain Cancer Center. In the meantime, we will spend Thanksgiving in Memphis.

Life Update

We stayed home this week and caught up with our faith community, Epiphany Catholic Church. We particularly enjoy our 7am daily Mass gathering. There we get lots of hugs of love and support. Yesterday we walked around “Getting Ready for Christmas” festivities in a nearby town. We tried to keep warm with hot chocolate while Santa roamed around in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage. Earlier this week we saw “Journey to Bethlehem”. It was Wonderful!!!

Christmas Prep in Owego

PS We will be in Memphis for Thanksgiving with our family. Our oldest daughter, Robyn and her husband Jim, are hosting this grand event. On Saturday, November 25th we will be attending 8 AM Mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church (2300 Hickory Crest Drive) followed by “Hugs and Hello” in the conference room next to the Narthex. Then we will head to Nashville to attend 5 PM Mass at St. Philip Catholic Church (in Franklin) for more hugs. We hope to see you along the way.