Medical Update

Today is a good day as Cathy begins her nineth month of glio crazies. It’s been a week of rest and tests as she anticipates her next MRI in a few days. Platelets are up and so are her spirits. The lower dose of chemo has reduced nausea and fatigue. After the big scan we will head south towards her next appointment at Duke, but this time it will be a road trip with various celebrations along the way.

Life Update

It’s also been a week of simple pleasures, like shopping at Sams Club or celebrating that basic body functions are working for a few days. Thanks to the talents of a young lady named Jill, Cathy’s brown hair has returned. The life of St. Catherine of Siena has given us extra joy as we ponder our walk with Jesus Christ, who is our light, who is our way. We are so blessed, surrounded by so many loving friends. Thank you for your prayers, your messages, and your love. Indeed, as St. Catherine suggests, we are already experiencing heaven along the Way.

Abu in Taiama