Medical Update

Cathy continues to gain strength and stamina during this pause-period of no radiation and no chemo. That will last until the end of June. I wish the occasional headaches and nausea would take a vacation but so far that seems to be the new normal. Slowly Cathy is tapering down her steroid dose. There are no more planned radiation treatments, so maybe the internal swelling will subside so that the steroids will not be needed.

Life Update

What a busy week. Following Cathy’s amazing “I hope you got to see it but if not, it will soon be posted on our website” lecture at Will’s Eye Hospital on Thursday, we returned home to make final preparations for our return to Serabu. This trip we are joined by six young adults, two surgeons and our dear friend, Sam Pieh. This picture was taken at our Saturday morning departure gate at JFK. Probably by the time you read this update we will have landed in Sierra Leone and arrived at Serabu Sunday afternoon. (We are five hours ahead of most of you.) It’s a great group and we expect to have a very fruitful trip. Thanks to everyone for your soulful prayers and thoughtful comments. God bless you!!!